Phone: 941-726-9869
Welcome to the Sunshine. As Florida residents, we understand that some of these beautiful properties are your secondary, home away from home residences. That means you are not always here full time and may need someone local to keep an eye on things in your absense. That's where we come in! River Strand is a safe, gated community, but wouldn't you be happier knowing your property is being tended to on a weekly basis and if something unexpected breaks, that someone is there to mitigate the problem as soon as possible?
With over 25 years experience in residential and commercial construction as well as restoration, we are well versed in the needs of absentee homeowners. We want to ensure your home is well managed in your absence and assist your guests as you would. We provide quality, weekly home inspection to ensure your home is in great shape. As we all know, this is particularly important during Hurricane Season. Call us to discuss your needs.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Office Telephone: 941-726-9869 :: 941-726-9869 ::
Mailing Address:
PO Box 110351, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211